Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A friend once pointed out to me that all pansies have faces...I should have noticed but I hadn't...I have ever since and I think of my friend and smile.

Actually...this is a particularly grumpy pansy...

I seem to choose quite earnest ones!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

So...I'm  back and looking through my notes and trying to figure out if I used this or that or what...but..I've just met his highness...I'm playing bridge...I'm substituting at bridge...and this delightful creature is my hostess's seventeen year old poodle who lies on her lap and snores as we play...I might add that he is a seventeen year old poodle with a $3000 knee replacement - now that's love!

So...a story I found...hopefully not a repeat:
The Little Girl
I was out at a mixed supper...kids and parents.
Suddenly there was one of those howls that is so familiar at such parties. A five-year-old girl had knocked down a little boy. I watched as her mother thundered over and said," Did you say you were sorry?"
The little girl looked up at her, shrugged and said, "He got up didn't he?"
I assume that if he hadn't gotten up, she would have apologized.