Wednesday, January 31, 2018

This is my cat chasing the shadow of a crow...
Today I was stopped at a light. police person was managing the light.
He or she was dressed to the point where his or her face was completely covered save for some goggles and even they were covered...
It was very cold out.
I understood.
But I couldn't help considering the irony that the government is putting through a bill stopping people from covering their faces in public.
I was tempted to take a picture but he or she might not understand.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Ok...I've been reading my blogs...and I feel guilty...I should be blogging...
Today, I discovered that someone in the garage ran into my brand new car.
Today I dealt with a woman who has had Parkinson's for 38 years...she has done well because of her nature...
She makes me grumpy because of her nature...
She explained that she was a Cancer...a crap...(Wait! I meant crab! But that's so funny that I'm leaving it. I love the auto correct on my phone...sometimes I just say - Whatever!) she "walked sideways."
And I sit here embarrassed by my dismay at my car and feeling guilty because I am so privileged.
And suddenly I wondered if I should get religion.
Would that make me nicer?