Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Faking it!

For my first five years of piano lessons, I learned the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata and the scales of C Major and G Major. I loved the Moonlight...I could put on the pedal and experience Irish melancholy at its best. My piano teacher was very sweet and cookies and milk were always present.

And then my mother's friend came back from Australia.When I think about it, I suspect my mother was gleefully waiting for her return.

I played the Moonlight Sonata, first movement, pedal on and tumbled into seven years of Toronto Conservatory Exams!

According to my mother's friend, that was the fastest way for me to catch up.

Much later, I spent time with a Jungian therapist. She was very good for me. She wasn't there to tell me what was wrong. She told me what was right. The only problem was that Jungians like to work with dreams and I wasn't dreaming...not a single dream in nine months. I felt badly. I felt dull. And so I stole a dream- one my friend related to me. My therapist was delighted. The minute I graduated from therapy, I started dreaming.  I haven't stopped since.

My most recent experience of faking it was at my check up. 
As I lay on his table, my doctor said: Blood pressure fine. Blood tests fine. Any complaints...
And I admitted to a hacking cough.
Do you have a post nasal drip?
Of course, all my friends do - it's a part of aging!
And do you all have medical degrees?


Here's a prescription for Nasonex. Now get on the scales!
The Nasonex was a brilliant idea.

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