Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ok...almost enough of pansies!

I lost my breath today...fortunately I didn't lose my cool.
Six of us were working on a reading from Ulysses in the Reading Room of the library...we got carried away with the crowd scene...

A young nondescript librarian came into the room and said: This is a library.If you can't whisper, I will have to have to have you removed...
We immediately apologized and explained that we hadn't realized that the room wasn't sound proof. And she repeated her threat. The room is not sound proof. If you do not whisper, I will have you removed. She was speaking to six retired teachers not one of whom had spoken to their respective students in that way ever. She was half our age.
       And I was transported back fifty years the the librarians at McGill who terrified me.
       The reason I was in that library was that the retired director had wooed me in. It had taken her two years. And that two years was shot in two sentences.
        I will stay out of the library not because I am afraid of the librarian but because I am afraid of what I might say to the librarian.

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