Friday, August 16, 2013

I may have already used this sequence and if I have, I'll fix it later. I have a dilemma...a rather fun dilemma but a dilemma. I was involved in the rescue of a wonderful little cat, Charley, declawed on all four paws. He has joined a British lady of 90 who still drives and walks her son's labradoodle daily. The problem is that she has renamed him (operative word) Pixie. He is rather pixie like and evidently she comes from that part of England where pixies are very much a part of the folklore do I tell the cat rescuer who facilitated the rescuer and who is quite literal? The other rather poignant reason why the lady has used the name Pixie is because when she was 11(79 years ago) she and her best friend came down with tuberculosis. She survived; her friend died...and her friend's name was I think I will just avoid the car rescuer's queries. The cat is just very happy to have a lap to curl up on!

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