Saturday, January 28, 2017

I have this new gesture, the windshield affect. One can wave one’s hand in front of someone’s eyes and they won’t blink.
The Vet that gave me back Liam had that windshield could wave one’s hand in front of her and she wouldn’t blink. The technician also had it as she showed me how to put stuff up Liam’s the cage. Neither had put the cat on the floor. If they had, they would have realized that he couldn’t walk...that he was dying...Your cat’s a bit wobbly – don’t let him near the stairs.
The man that I work for might have it. He admitted to me that next week would be the first time he would actually go to an Adult Ed center...these are the people he’s writing the books for. I’ve never actually seen his eyes so I don’t know.
The chair of the group I volunteer for has it...they stare straight ahead no matter she writes about a meeting. I write to say if she needs me I’ll come for comic relief. She phones after the meeting to say...why weren’t you there? I say: You didn’t respond so I assumed you didn’t need me.
The Korean mom below me has it as I try to explain to her that her son can’t play the drums in my bedroom at ten at night and perhaps she should move them to another room and she says: But that’s where I sleep.
My other vet has it was she tries to think of another test she might use. I guess that’s it...the lack of ability to see the problem. Take his temperature...but it might be...take his temperature...but perhaps we should...
One could wave one’s hands slowly or desperately in front of their eyes and they wouldn’t blink.
It’s a lack of problem solving.
I’ve been gathering examples...

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