Thursday, September 17, 2009

The truth is that I have kept stuff all my life...and now it's time to share it. Sometimes, I don't know the author, but I really respect the content. This one I suggested, but I didn't write.

Soup Aux Personalite

Take a pinch of funniness.
Melt it with a portion of sadness.
Blend with a morsel of seriousness.
Add a dash of evilness.
Slice a pound of honesty.
Immediately dice an ounce of open-mindedness.Slowly combine the funniness, sadness, seriousness, evilness, honesty and open-mindedness in a large saucepan. Simmer until the soup thickens.

Set aside a large skillet for a juicy piece of responsibility(Preferably boneless with no fat). Let the responsibility cook for five minutes.
While everything is cooking, pour yourself a nice tall cold drink of happiness. When ready to serve, pour the soup aux personalite into a bowl and the responsibility onto a plate.Do not rush into your meal. Take your time and enjoy it. Savour the taste.

Note: This meal makes only one serving.

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