Monday, September 27, 2010

Those aforementioned Scottish deer hounds - they are hunters not herders. I was invited to tea at the home of a former student. It was a gently elegant tea with a Scottish author on hand - A.L. Kennedy. There was a beautiful boarder collie mix in attendance. My host/former student said that she suffered from separation anxiety. I had to explain to him that she was a herder - that she would only be satisfied when everyone was in one room! In that first year as a high school teacher, my host and his friend approached me with a proposition. They needed a body! They wanted to do theater and there was no one to supervise. I didn't need to do anything but be there! That is not my nature. We did some good theater and I learned so much! In my last year of teaching I did really serve as a body for the boys' basketball team. There was nothing I could do much to help them save be there and threaten to quit when they misbehaved!

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