Friday, February 3, 2012

Yet another stolen picture - but who can resist a kitten...yes...he is a kitten...indulging in cat nip. I was about to say that humans should have some form of cat nip...but then I suppose we do. The kitten is on his way to an excellent home. His new-found owner has just invested in a scratching pole that goes up the the ceiling. I did not have the heart to tell her that any self-respecting kitten would ignore such a human indulgence and use the curtains. Mind you, she intends to call this elegant cat Pixie, so she deserves the curtain treatment!

The Internet was down yesterday. That caused me paranoia. I kept asking friends if they had tried Google. Was it only my computer that was being rejected. Naturally said friends who actually have lives had not yet gotten on to Google.

Note: I think this particular kitten is so elegant that he will ignore both curtains and climbing pole and use the book shelves...unless she insists on calling him Pixie.

1 comment:

  1. Well, he's pooed twice and peed once; he has been up the pole and drunk from the noisy fountain (many times, I am glad to say); he's also played in the cat nip and taken his pills; all in all, a very productive day for a new cat. The name may change.
