Sunday, August 12, 2012

 I'm thinking about criteria...they were the answer to the empowerment of a student. If we told them the criteria, they would know what to do. They could self-edit...

The problem is that the criteria have become the be-all and the end-all. I wonder what criteria Joe Fafard used to create these wonderful sculptures. Did he have a list to check off or did he just create?

Wait...he learned and experimented and created...perhaps there were criteria to begin with but no criteria to end with.

We must facilitate their moment of glory...that is what  teaching is all about...I think.

We can’t all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as we go by.

Writing, in itself, is like the sound of one hand clapping - incomplete, silent, and without impact. Only when the writer as the one hand, and the reader as the other, confront each other is there that clap, that spark of communication which makes literature alive. Ming Fong Ho

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