Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This is the local book store cat...I'm just using it as a place keeper.

I don't think I've included this story before. It is yet another example of my pettiness! A friend sent it to me and all I could think was: I wish they would make a pair of red sandals in size eleven which the possibility of including my orthodics in them! Mind you, my friend and I have discussed the fact that I am short with long feet and she is tall with short feet and I have more chance of keeping my balance.

They were so pretty... bright red sandals. Strappy, with a soft red sole. They were perky and full of fun. They said, "come walk with us. It's very warm today and those black sneakers will be much too hot."

So the woman put them on and admired how small and neat they made her feet look. She smiled and set off on her morning mile hike. Afterwards she inspected the gardens and the greenery had grown during the night. The contrast with her pretty red sandals was very flattering.

And then, she went indoors.

She tried to remove the pretty red sandals. They stuck to her feet. She finally peeled one off and gratefully settled her bare foot on the cool hardwood floor. But...horrors! A blood red imprint of her foot appeared. On examination, the entire foot had been stained a deep,deep red.

Gingerly, she removed the other shoe. Bingo! Blood red foot. Walking precariously on the very back of her heels (which was the only place not red), she made her way to the tub.

Fifteen minutes of hard scrubbing with pumice stone and exfoliating salt and soap later, her feet were now only a pale pink version of their former selves. But the red dye swirled down the drain and stained the tub mat.

All that remained was to remove the bloody red evidence from the floor before the CSI team was called to investigate.....

The shoes went into the garbage. The woman went and retrieved her sneakers.

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