Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm going through the trauma of changing computers...traumatic because change is change and because I have to  actually review my files to see what is worth keeping...

I found the following - naturally I wrote an official recommendation as well

Dear Mr. Sears:

This is to inform you that my former student, Harry Smith ain’t no criminal. I taught him for two years already and he never stole nothing from me – nor (far as I can figure out) from anyone associated with me…well maybe a pencil here and there for math…but that could be considered as aiding the cause of his education.

Anyway,s as far as I know, none of his family stole anything either. In fact, I taught his brother, Billy. Billy was always returning things that other people stole. His parents are also good people – they’re Americans – but that shouldn’t count ‘cause really only the president, Mr. Reagan can be considered a thief down there. He robs from the poor to give to the rich…or something like that. Anyways, Harry wrote good and never got in any fights or anything so I think he’s quite qualified to throw things around in your warehouse.

In face, I’d bet my bottom dollar on Harry…unless he’s changed a lot since he went to Russia…but that was only for six weeks, this summer and he brought back all the jeans he took over so I don’t think he was doing any dealing on the Black Market…or anything like that.

Anyways, you’d better hire the kid ‘cause now I’m getting quite fervent and if you don’t hire him, I’ll take it as a personal insult to me and I’ll tell everyone not to buy things at Sears…do you hear me?

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