Monday, September 17, 2012

Someone asked me to write about photography. I wrote 1000 words. I liked what I wrote. But someone said that they were thinking more along the line of 130 words! And so I chopped to 500 words...but someone can count, so I chopped to 150 words and said: That's it. One more tone and someone might as well just say: She takes pictures. She's not a photographer but she takes pictures!

Here's my 150 words:
My first camera was a Nikormat with a macro lens. For years I took pictures of flowers. The macro did the work.

And then I retired and although my beloved Nikormat still worked, my eyes didn’t. So I borrowed a camera and took pictures of Mont St. Michel.

Africa is not really the place for a macro lens. There was a sign at our compound: Caution: Wild Animals are dangerous. Please do not wander from the Pathways. So I used a Fuji digital from the safety of an SUV.

In Manning Park I swapped the Fuji for an Olympus. How can one go wrong with snow-capped mountains, fir trees, ravens and Alpine meadows? I carried a bear bell.

In France I learned about skies. In Newfoundland I learned about horizons…although the lupines were irresistible.

Recently I bought a CannonS100, a camera I could tuck in my pocket. I miss my Nikormat!

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