Friday, October 10, 2014

Plan Ahead!
That's my theme for today.
If I had planned ahead, I would have straightened this leaf before posting it...I know how to do that now and I have to admit that my friends would realize why there's a slight list to my photos...there's a slight list to me!

So the only child is suffering once more. She doesn't know how to confront her vet...
Actually she's trying to decide whether her Vet is:
A money gouger...which she can't accept. The Vet is too decent.
A what-ifer...that might be it but the only child is the ultimate what-ifer...
All of which is to say that after three months of experimenting, and one session of the only child explaining to said Vet that if the bills continued, she would have to stop buying her blood pressure medication, said young and earnest Vet that she would send out the culture for testing by a Lab. This was after it was confirmed in July with a culture that the cat had a skin infection not dandruff as a result of his being over weight. This was after two months and four rounds of antibiotics and one round of parasite treatment and an intermittent round of intestinal treatment for the effects of the antibiotic which did not work...That instead of our moving on to allergenic food, we would send a culture of said infection to the lab for analysis. And...yes...the cat had a skin infection which was resistant to all of the antibiotics so far now he is on the antibiotic which will address the issue...And I can't help but shake my head...Even an only child and Aries would have sent the culture to the Lab in July but alas and only child and an Aries complies with the powers that be. They are supposed to know what is happening.

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