Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I am a year ahead of myself...I have been for 70 plus years. I keep waiting to grow up. The reason for this is that my mother and the grade one teacher were best friends. They assumed that their daughters would be best friends. And so, the grade one teacher facilitated my starting grade one a year earlier because her daughter started that year.

We were never friends. In fact I fear that a character trait I have been harbouring ever since came out then. We had a rhythm band. My "best friend" couldn't keep the tempo. In frustration I..."tapped" her with the triangle thing-a-ma-jig.  The grade one teacher realized the error of her ways but it was too late. I couldn't be banished from grade one but I was banished from the rhythm band.

And today the temptation to "tap" someone raised its ugly head. I take bridge lessons. One of the women at our table doesn't keep the tempo. Fortunately, I didn't have a triangle thing-a-ma-jig

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