Friday, December 5, 2014

Another Season
Another Place
A Stolen Dialogue

T: There has just been SO much to celebrate this week.
Me: Oh? Like what?
T: Well, I got my cast off, my wiggly tooth finally came out, Evan did really well in Creating a Scene and the show was very good, I get to go to a sleepover, Jonathan and Renee Stevens are coming by on Saturday AND I get to buy some cards! (comic book cards)
Me: Smile....
And then, we were talking about how amazing it is that permanent teeth come in the way that they do and that for kids with Down Syndrome, they come in in a different order.
Theo: Oh? Why is it so?
Me: They don't know.
Theo: Fascinating, though. I didn't know! 
Then, with his hand on the door, he says, "So many 'o''s"
Me: OK, Theo!
We both laugh.

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