Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The problem with a blog is that one has to check back to see if one is repeating might be...but whatever!!!

Years ago, my friend had an orange cat...a bit of a malevolent orange cat but mustn't generalize. She loved him. She was also taking care of a fan-tailed dove...a beautiful creature. She went off on a holiday and when she returned much to her horror, the dove had escaped from its cage and was running around on the floor. The cat was...just...sitting...watching.

She screamed in horror and the startled dove ran to the cat for protection.

I can't tell the story that reminded me of this but...sometimes one is not as fragile as one would seem!

On another note...magic comes and goes. A friend phoned today to say that she had sold her cottage up north. I sit here smiling at some excellent weekends I spent there. But I have learned that there will be magic to replace it...

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