Saturday, December 31, 2016

When in doubt...steal from others...but I don't think I'm going to get to 31 posts by the end of the day!

these mountains
   that you are
carrying, you were
  only supposed to

Najwa Zebian
And in the same vein:
bumble fumble humble jumble mumble rumble stumble tumble symbol...symbol? Humm that one strays!
A pathetic rhyme: I'm not going to crumble but I am going to grumble! That's my mantra...My only complaint is that I have come to terms with the fact that I cannot fix the world. All the hand lotion in the world is futile...

Friday, December 30, 2016

I snow...but I'm scrambling...I have insisted on others writing and I've got to catch up with my writing!
“I want to write a novel about Silence,” he said, “the things people don’t say.” Virginia Woolf
Alas there are times when one doesn't dare to give the answers...
It’s frustrating when you know all the answers but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
I will be forever grateful to my grandmother for giving me the expression, blithering idiots, even though she often used it on me! is a different rendition of breakfast in bed! I am tempting the cat on the bed to eat. He has to been to the Vet for congestion...and the Vet's panacea is testing and testing and testing...and then...a thousand dollars later, antibiotics. I cut to the chase and started with the antibiotics. I think the Vet read me and didn't argue because the cat on the bed is named Liam Too...after Liam O'Leary who died much too young and very badly despite all the tests in the world...I think his condition was fatal. I think the Vet relied so heavily on testing that she missed the condition...The teacher in me would really like to talk with the Vet. The Irish in me has yet to subside enough to talk with the Vet. All one had to do was put the two symptoms of his condition on the internet, and the diagnosis was there. I know...that sounds simplistic...and that is the other reason why I am hesitant to talk to the Vet...she meant well and she has no understanding of costs...both emotional and financial...
Another stolen picture from a friend...this one of Alaska...I wouldn't mind going there save for the fact that most of the time it rains and the scenery is hidden in fog.
If I'm going to catch up with my December blogs before tomorrow, I have to do 11 a one...this I can do...I have the material...this picture is "stolen" - it's a friend's picture taken with an I-phone...and treated with the Prisma makes me want to get an I can prisma my pictures!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

How could one not steal this title to a poem:
I Have Not Come Here to Compare Notes But to Sit Together in the Stillness at the Edge of This Wound

It is such a lesson...

In fact it was stolen by a poet, David Kirby, to use as a title for his poem and now I steal it to use in my blog...

Saturday, December 17, 2016

I stole this picture from Parvathi...I didn't ask was an impulsive act...but she would understand. Today I was reminded of the following quote: Do not laugh at a youth for his affectations. He is only trying on one face after another to find a face of his own.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

“Do you know,” Peter asked, “Why Swallows build in the eaves of houses? It is to listen to the stories.”

Friday, December 9, 2016

Nothing could be more of a contrast than what I see out my window at the moment! But since lions are the thread...
A Need for Gardens
When I got there they were burying the lion in the back yard again. As usual, it was a hastily dug grave, not really large enough to hold the lion and dug with a maximum of incompetence and they were trying to stuff the lion into a sloppy little hole.
The lion as usual took it quite stoically. Having been buried at least fifty times during the last two years, the lion had gotten used to being buried in the back yard.
I remember the first time they buried him. He didn’t know what was happening. He was a younger lion, then, and was frightened and confused, but now he knew what was happening because she was an older lion and had been buried so many times.
He looked vaguely bored as they folded his front paws across his chest and started throwing dirt in his face.
It was basically hopeless. The lion would never fit the hole. It had never fir a hole in the back yard before and it never would. They just couldn’t dig a hole big enough to bury that lion in.
“Hello,” I said. “That hole’s too small.”
“Hello,” they said. “No it isn’t.”
This had been our standard greeting now for two years.
I stood there and watched them for an hour or so struggling desperately to bury the lion, but they were only able to bury ¼ of him before they gave up in disgust and stood around trying to blame each other for not making the hole big enough.
“Why don’t you put a garden in next year?” I said. “This soil looks like it might grow some good carrots.”
They didn’t think that was very funny.

Richard Brautigan

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

In The Girl Who Was Saturday Night, there is a scene in which a rather seedy lion prowls down Saint Laurent and a 47-year-old woman has an asthma attack.

And it took me right Auntie Gertrude...a larger than life grade one teacher who wasn’t my aunt really but she saw that my mother wasn’t doing well in small town life.
In the sixties, this woman realized that there was no place for children with “emotional needs” – the term was she started Harterre House, a private school located across from the Bnai Brith building on Peel...and she populated it with salty teachers and psychiatrists and psychologists and care workers was quite something...and costly

And every summer, she rented a property in Old Orchard and ran a summer camp for epileptics and assorted children who couldn’t go home...
I’m short cutting the story.
There was a ritual at the end of the summer. Aunty Gertrude, and Donald, her son, would drive to Boston to Phylenes...a very well-known store...the idea was to buy it out and then bring everything home with the duties...the schizophrenics signed for the televisions!
(Ok...I’m playing!)

What has this to do with lions?
One summer, Donald was hesitant. There was a hurricane warning.
Aunty Gertrude said nonsense and off they went.
She had an excellent shopping spree. Phylene’s was empty.
Her only issue was that her asthma was acting up.
When they exited the building, there was in fact a full blown hurricane and Donald had to hold on to the telephone poles and Aunty Gertrude.
And when they got back to Old Orchard, the news story of the day was the fact that in the chaos, a lion had escaped from the petting zoo at Phylenes and was wandering the store.
Ah, said Aunty Gertrude, I knew there was a cat loose somewhere!

So Heather O'Neill's scene was dead on!”
"A parade of young girls who had just been confirmed walked by in lace dresses. They had been up all night, collecting moths in a jar to make those dresses."

Heather O'Neill, The Girl Who Was Saturday Night

Monday, December 5, 2016

                                    Water Women

                                    We do not want
to rock the boat,
you say, mistaking
our new poise
for something safe.

We smile secretly
at each other,
sharing the reality
that for some time
we have not been
in the boat.

We jumped
or were pushed
or fell
and some leaped

Our bodies form
a freedom fleet
our dolphin grace
in power.

We learn and teach
and as we go
each woman sings;
each woman’s hands
are water wings.

Some of us have become
mermaids or Amazon whales
and are swimming for our lives.

Some of us do not know how to swim.
We walk on water.

Alla Bazarth-Campbell

Old Lady Teeth

I met a friend in the park. She as on her way to the dentist...she was taken aback a bit when I said that she was taking her old lady teeth in for a check up...and then she laughed. We all walk in terror of our old lady teeth giving up before we do. At one time it was easy,,,they just made dentures...but now...they insist on implants - thousands of dollars of implants. Now...I'm not really considering my mortality but do I need thousands and thousands of dollars of implants for my time that is left? Can my implants be a address in a codicil of my will? On the other hand, I'm immortal enough that I don't want a gap...then I would be an old lady with a gap...and coloured hair!!