In The Girl Who Was Saturday Night,
there is a scene in which a rather seedy lion prowls down Saint Laurent and a
47-year-old woman has an asthma attack.
And it took me right Auntie
Gertrude...a larger than life grade one teacher who wasn’t my aunt really but
she saw that my mother wasn’t doing well in small town life.
In the sixties, this woman realized
that there was no place for children with “emotional needs” – the term was she started Harterre House, a private school located across from the
Bnai Brith building on Peel...and she populated it with salty teachers and
psychiatrists and psychologists and care workers was quite something...and
And every summer, she rented a property
in Old Orchard and ran a summer camp for epileptics and assorted children who
couldn’t go home...
I’m short cutting the story.
There was a ritual at the end of the
summer. Aunty Gertrude, and Donald, her son, would drive to Boston to
Phylenes...a very well-known store...the idea was to buy it out and then bring
everything home with the duties...the schizophrenics signed for
the televisions!
(Ok...I’m playing!)
What has this to do with lions?
One summer, Donald was hesitant. There
was a hurricane warning.
Aunty Gertrude said nonsense and off
they went.
She had an excellent shopping spree.
Phylene’s was empty.
Her only issue was that her asthma was
acting up.
When they exited the building, there
was in fact a full blown hurricane and Donald had to hold on to the telephone
poles and Aunty Gertrude.
And when they got back to Old Orchard,
the news story of the day was the fact that in the chaos, a lion had escaped
from the petting zoo at Phylenes and was wandering the store.
Ah, said Aunty Gertrude, I knew there
was a cat loose somewhere!
So Heather O'Neill's scene was dead on!”
Assorted Children would be a good title for something..