Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Two friends whose husbands have both been in hospital recently confessed that the institution got the best of them.

It is customary when one is in emergency for a nurse or orderly to come in regularly and ask: Do you know who you are? Do you know where you are? Do you know what day it is?

Both husbands understood the necessity of the questions; both husbands however just couldn't resist...

In one case, having been asked the question for the fourth time by the same nurse, another nurse came in. Before she could say anything, the husband pointed to the first nurse and said, "I'm a bit worried about her. She seems to be quite forgetful."

In the other case, the husband couldn't resist when asked did he know where he was. He replied hopefully, "Regina?"

So I did not mention to the people at the Biodome that one of their birds was loose.

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