Sunday, January 15, 2012

How long can one get mileage out of having gone to Africa? I went to Africa…seven years ago…as I speak of it, it does seem like yesterday. It would be a bit trite if it didn’t…how often can one make mileage on the fact that one has been to Africa? Even if one was only a tourist.
So two utube sites caught my attention this week and reminded me of Africa - the first about the visit of mountain gorillas to a camp site.

And that reminded me of one day in Africa. We were in a compound reminiscent of a 1950’s motel with cobbles stones. Our patio windows looked out on fields. I suspect that somewhere there were fences or something. Lions don’t read signs. As I looked out my window I saw a family of baboons making their way across the field. (The more I think about it, the more I wonder how they kept the lions out and let the baboons in! There was no warning sign such as the one at the top of the page.) They came up to the compound and disappeared around the corner. Suddenly there was a scramble and they reappeared, drink cans and snacks in hand! Later one of the travelers admitted that he had opened his window and lay down for a nap. He had woken to see two baboons taking off with his soft drink and snacks. I recorded the outcome.

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