Sunday, January 29, 2012

"I've never seen you imitate a pigeon before," said my friend last night as we ate supper.

In fact, I don't think I have ever imitated a pigeon in public before, but yesterday was an exception. I was illustrating the feeling of spring in the air. It was warm - so warm that the pigeons on the roof across from me were interacting in a very spring way. They were dancing.

Today there is not a single pigeon on the roof. Perhaps it is because of another visitor on my tree. Earlier he perched on another branch to finish breakfast - much to my horror and fascination. Now he is sitting there watching the roof. Alas, my windows are the product of a messy winter on a busy street...but I did get one picture. He is a pigeon hawk or Merlin. I'm surprised at how small he is but size is not an issue. Even the crows are flying off cawing in warning.

1 comment:

  1. A few months ago, I had a red-tailed hawk perched on the tree just outside my third-floor office window. It (the hawk, not the window) had the remains of what I suspect might have previously been a blue jay in its talons. The pigeons and crows that regularly inhabit the roof of the building adjacent to me were non-plussed. They became even less-plussed when the hawk flew off in their direction and landed on the peak of their roof. Less-plussed, but failing to take any direct action about their situation. It was the lowly grackles that had the nerve to dive-bomb the hawk in an attempt to move it on its way.
