Wednesday, October 17, 2012

This is Jasper, otherwise known as the dude! He has been featured in my blog before. My friend's daughter sent him up from Halifax to be with my friend during a terrible illness. That was a gift of love.  Jasper has done his job.
So the fact that Jasper's favourite perch when he isn't outside teasing the dogs next door who are behind an electric invisible fence is on the family laptop is no surprise. This is a very smart cat. He knows a warm spot when he feels one.

However, it doesn't matter to Jasper whether the computer is closed or open. When my friend went to use her computer she realized with horror that yes, Jasper had been sitting on it and now the screen was upside down to the keyboard. Everything was a mirror image.
       My friend's husband shrugged and said: "Now you've done it!" The object of the comment was left in doubt.
       One could explain how my friend solved the problem but suffice it to say that she had help from expert relatives. What did she do? Why she pressed Control/Alt/Up Arrow of course which reversed the action Jasper had taken when he pressed Control/Alt/Down Arrow!

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