Saturday, October 6, 2012

This is just to say that I have survived the worst and am still in one piece. "The worst" is so relative! I survived that which I have been waiting for - the crash of my beloved computer...facilitated by dropping it on the floor! And within two hours, I am up and running and found this blog! I was afraid I had lost my blog! I hadn't!

And my mother's words ring out: This too will pass!

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog again after a long time, and, what pray tell was the first post I read -- the one that ends with "This too will pass!" I can't tell you how many time over the years that phrase, which you once wrote on the lefthand corner of the blackboard, came back in my head to comfort and calm me. Now a few decades later I realize more than ever just how true and wise it is. I began a blog last February. I would be thrilled if you would drop by some time...http://www.sherrygaley.wordpress,com
    Cheers, Sherry
