Sunday, January 5, 2014

Call it hubris but I really like my photos...mind you I play it can one go wrong with a flower?
 This has been the week of cafes!

A friend sent me the following:
Under cover

I am joined at my table
In the cafe
By a man I don't know
Even though there are many
Available booths
He could enjoy alone.

Why are you sitting here?
I ask, annoyed. He shrugs
And moves on.

I have forgotten
That it is -20 outside.

I didn't notice
He hadn't bought anything.

He wanted to stay here,
Warm and invisible, for once,

As though he belonged here,
But I blew his cover.
To which I replied with a Brautigan poem: 

 In a Café

                I watched a man in a café fold a slice of bread
as if he were folding a birth certificate or looking
at the photograph of a dead lover.
Richard Brautigan
And there is more.

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