Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I remember years ago hearing someone protest that he thought as he aged, he would become a senator. Alas, he was beginning to understand that he had become a dinosaur. I sat with a group of women tonight as we shook our collective heads in dismay over what the world was coming to...No one talks anymore. It's all twitter and tweeting and texting...
    One woman described baby sitting her grandchildren and being given a set of rules as to how to proceed.
      Do not let the one year old climb the stairs.
      Do not leave the pool whilst the children are swimming.
      Do not leave any knives around for them to play with.
      Do not answer the door to strangers.
      If they cry, you may pick them up and rock them.

      By then it was difficult to hear her over the laughter....
      But...she obeyed and did not question her son lest she not be allowed to baby sit again.
                                                                         This despite the fact that both she and her husband are medical doctors and she has a specialty in pediatric psychiatry...or perhaps it is because she and her husband are medical doctors and she has a specialty in pediatric psychiatry and her son is insecure!

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