Sunday, August 22, 2010

If I were a gardener, this is what I would is a safe garden...
My friend in Victoria is recuperating from a spider bite...a black widow spider bite...a black widow with a red violin on its back spider bite...
And my other friend...Let her words speak for themselves:
"My problem however, is a groundhog! He is kind of cute and was OK while he was just eating the clover on the law. But he has now moved into my vegetable garden and is destroying my beans. My carrot and beet crops have already failed, thanks to him or some other creature. My workman suggested a small shotgun...but he lives in the country. He says there wouldn't be enough left to identify...or maybe he was talking about squirrels. It could be fun picking the squirrels off the fence. I'm not sure I could stand the gore, but I guess they would fall into my neighbours' yards. Oh - I might get "shot" holes in my fences...I don't want that. You aren't into saving squirrels and groundhogs, are you? Only cats and dogs, I hope!"
This is not a violent lady. She already has a hose with a sensor set up to chase that groundhog. I didn't know about that one...I didn't get too wet...
But I'll settle for a pot of flowers...if I become a gardener...

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