Saturday, August 7, 2010

Pobody's Nerfect!

I have learned something new in this last trip to Newfoundland

...make that this first trip to Newfoundland. I learned that one has to keep one's horizons straight! I listened to two photographers talking about a third whose horizons were crooked. I had really thought of it until I looked at my pictures. There is a certain drunkenness about them!

1 comment:

  1. Two solutions for your consideration:

    1) Become drunk before committing photography. Chances for a horizontal horizon become significantly improved (hey, I just got it -- horizon >>> horizontal... never thought of that.... after 41 years of English language!);
    2) Correct the photos digitally afterwards (my favourite solution).

    (Is there any way in which I could not have angered the punctuation gods more with the preceding comment?)
