I have to find a photo for this but now I have found this...
At a
Ceaileigh awhile ago a friend and I performed the following - a list of descriptions of whiskey...as we read back and forth, we crumpled to the floor and ended whispering to the ceiling...it was fun. We didn't win. My friend's partner was a judge.
About Whiskey
Minty sweet
Oily and firm
Pure caramel
Sweet almost meaty
Plenty of d
olorso character
Warming in a vigorous well defined finish
Gradually revealing a broad complex of interlocking flavors
Rounded and velvet-soft with a big development of dry, spicy, bitter-sweet marmalade-like orange and heathery smoky flavours even a faint tang of saltiness
The flavours are so tightly interlocked at first that the whiskey appears reluctant to give up its secrets…
Aromatic, heather-honey notes give way to cut-grass malty sweetness which intensifies into a sudden burst of peat
Peat some incense like heather honey with a fruity softness
Unhurried, with chocolaty notes and gingery dryness
Skips sweetly along at first and then becomes mean and moody
Salty, dry, smoky – a roaring crescendo…
Lots of
seaweedy, oily, peppery notes
Tangy again in a rather quick finish
A late echo of its peaty island home
A bit of cinnamon
wouldn’t you say?
Assertive wet-earth character
Fresh light flowery fruitiness
Sweetish without being cloying
Lightly sweet without being sticky
Chewy – definitely chewy
Lingering to the tongue
A cigar-box character
A hint of
sulpherA touch of mustard
spirity notes
Faintly phenolic
Astonishingly creamy
Rich and luscious
Fairly warming
Clinging moth-feel
A whiff of smokiness
Gingery and crisp
A hit of
oakinessIt lingers but not long enough