Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Daisies and trite!

He was a man so kind that migrating birds came to rest on his shoulders.
Nancy Richler, The Impostor Bride

I like this book very much. I recommended it to my book club but some who had read it, said it was shallow.
I flinched...
And I have just had a eureka because I thought that Tobin's Brooklyn was shallow. They saw it as a work of art. I saw it as a not so interesting history of my own grandmother's immigration to Canada from Ireland.
And so it may be that those who damned The Impostor Bride see it as shallow, as just a repetition of their own stories in Montreal...
One's own history is much more vital than fiction.
So one ends up debating whether the word is imposter or impostor!
Is it Toibin or Tobin?
And...much to my amusement, when I heard Toibin speak, he delighted me and I will read another book by him...something I swore I would never do!

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