Thursday, July 25, 2013

I am a jealous person - there is no two ways about it - but I can laugh at myself. Yesterday I was in the dentist's office and couldn't help overhearing the conversation in the hygienist's office. One tends to should whilst having one's teeth cleaned. A woman was talking about how she had given up on all those questions that are asked when one wants to create an Internet account...beginning with the password. Suddenly she was inspired and decided that all her passwords would be some variation of horse - yes the word, horse. If she were asked for additional numbers, she would write, horse1 or horse1,2,3
She extended this practice to answering the obligatory privacy questions. What was the name of the first street you lived on? Horse. Who was your best friend in kindergarten? Horse. What is your mother's maiden name? Horse (Why not?) And I metaphorically whacked myself on the side of the head! Just the day before I had been trying to decide if my favourite colour was purple or pink. If I had given the answer, horse...I wouldn't have had to start from scratch! Naturally I would not use the word, horse - that would be cheating!

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