I'm trying to get away from posting flowers.
Yesterday, someone cackled at me at Bridge...I'm not good at being cackled at. It's not that I don't cackle at people but mine is a silent inner cackle...I cackle on my blog. I don' think one is supposed to cackle at one's opponent in Bridge. In Monopoly yes...but in Bridge...or Chess...or Scrabble? No, definitely not. I don't know how to cope with cacklers. I want to verbally hit them but I don't think that in certain circles verbal sparring is approved of in Bridge...or Chess...perhaps monopoly... definitely at the beginning of a race track...if one were racing cars. When I was growing up, no siblings cackled at me...I had no siblings...I suppose that is what is meant by only children being spoiled...but I suspect my grandmother would have frowned at cackling and she was the standard by which I operated. Not that she was tolerant. Not that she could not throw a good verbal spar...but...she would not cackle...and she had seven siblings...So my goal this week is to become deadly in Bridge...I won't have to cackle...I'll just...win...if my hands are good! That is what is called Fate...One has to work with the hand one is dealt with!
Now I am cackling!
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