Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rarely do I get the name of the flowers I find save for the obvious...but this one is called Bee Balm...It must have been too windy for the bees!

So I suffer from hubris...of course there are things I can write the moment only me, Julia, and and Sandra are reading them and that's the fun of it. I like to know people who don't know each other...

A thousand years ago I edited a newsletter for a group of teachers. I diligently wrote and sent out newsletters without much input. In fact first bit of input I got was from a Board member to say that I should check my data base since I had sent her two newsletters. It was my first communication from a Board member and I felt an overwhelming freedom. I responded immediately to say that there would be no more problems since I had decided to not continue with the newsletters. She wrote immediately to say: But I enjoyed the newsletters! And I replied: Ah but, that is what you should have said first! I like the newsletter but...
     Teachers have to watch not to turn on the find-out-what's-wrong is well meaning but it sometimes is destructive!
      That was probably ten years ago.
      Recently, I've been writing the newsletters and doing the mailings for another and very different group. I just received the note to ask if the sender was a member or should she be renewing her subscription. Is it too much of a coincidence that she has the same name as the lady of ten years ago?

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