Friday, September 26, 2014

Believe it or not, these are mongoose...ring-tailed mongoose...I didn't expect them to look like this! So...the problem of fiction and fact.
Fact One: At school, the room beside me was a Home Economics room. It was run by a very British, very conscientious teacher who taught the children how to make English scones...and jam.
Fact Two: At home, two young women lived next door to me in my apartment building. They were students. Over a month it became obvious to me and to one of the women that the other went out every night with her little dog...not to walk her little dog. She was earning her way through college as a lady of the night.
Fact Three: One Monday, the British lady next door called me in. She had a new student teacher who lived near me and wondered if I could...give her a lift.
Needless to say, the young woman declined and in fact disappeared. Now some thirty years later I realize the poignancy of the situation. And for some reason or other, today I wondered what happened to her.
It was a surreal experience. 

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