Thursday, September 25, 2014

I could get used to this talking to oneself once again. I was bemoaning the fact that I had to cancel my trip to Toronto...I am in the midst of a Veterinarian Vortex....
Teeth? Check...
Blood Tests? Check...
Kidney Failure? Not yet but...only Vet food will stay its return...
Dandruff? Wait...that's not dandruff...that's something we can look into...infection? Parasites? Allergies? Oh my goodness...we'll just play with this one!
Heart Murmur? We'll put that aside for a moment...
Weight? Naturally! There's an elephant in the room...something about the mistress?

So I cancelled my trip to Toronto where I was ironically going to visit a former student who is now...a Veterinarian!!!

But there's nothing like a fall nasturtian...
And I just heard of the death of bright young kid with a wicked smile who laughed at my asides...wait...that was long enough ago to make him 61. And that puts things into perspective. I'll get to Toronto...I know that.

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