Thursday, September 25, 2014

I don't have the appropriate pictures for this entry...but...I've always loved this picture of a cat in a compound on the Serengeti...Alas I doubt that he ever went to a Veterinarian, but he held court and was probably very aware of the lions holding court just outside the door...
For the tourists he was a poignant reminder of home.
But the entry is a fragment:
My superintendent has a love bird. When you go to his door, he answers with the love bird on his shoulder. The love bird seems to understand the discussion and it is distracting. He is a beautiful and much beloved bird. I took my friend and her two children to see him.
The children were charmed. The bird...screeched...he too was excited. As I stood there, I felt a gentle tap...on my waist. I turned around and there stood the six-year-old Korean girl from the next apartment.
She said: "Would you please be quiet. My bunny is trying to sleep." And having delivered her message, she turned and closed her door. We all stood staring. I illogically wondered why the bunny was asleep at ten in the morning...but of course that was not the point.  We all smiled...and the bird...screeched!

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