I don't "believe" in horoscopes in the sense that I plan my life according to them, but there is something to be said about Aries or Capricorns. I like the writing in The Mirror and I like to read them to make me think about the present...
"According to my reading of the astrological omens, it'll be a hair-on-fire kind of week for you - and yet also a heart-in-repose kind of week. In other words, you have the potential to be fierce and relaxed, vigorously ambitious and sublimely poised. In fact, this might be one of those rare times when you can be both a justice-dispensing warrior and an enlightenment-seeking magician. Want to turn water into wine when the pressure's on? Find the pearl of great price in the heart of the battle? Feats like these are quite possible."
How empowering is that?
This one from The Globe and Mail comes even closer to home.
" A partnership or relationship may not be working out as well as you had hoped but it's not over yet. Can something be salvaged form recent arguments and upheavals? Yes it can, but the effort - and the positive outlook - must come from you."
I just hope that the effort does not mean that I must reach out...I just must take a deep breath and...I hope!