Monday, January 11, 2010

One of my favourite words is juxtaposition. I could not resist the juxtaposition. Yesterday I went with friends to find the owl tree on the Westmount summit. We found the tree. We did not find the owls...they had moved. However we met these huskies and their delightful owner. How different an experience to the little yellow African birds. There were three dogs...these two were busy eating snow...or so we thought. In fact their owner admitted that they were looking for mice. I am relieved that they did not find one when I was there...but I was amused. I don't think the poodles on the mountain hunt mice.
He also admitted to the fact that his dogs were racist. They had no interest whatsoever in other breeds...however if another huskie appears, they are immediately fascinated. In a park downtown they actually have huskie day. Huskie owners flock to meet and swap stories.

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