Thursday, January 7, 2010

It is time to talk about Erdem. He is a former student. He studied fashion at Ryerson and was accepted to The Royal School of Design in London with a ten thousand pound scholarship. He described the interview. He planned ahead. He ordered the cab a day before. He had his portfolio. The taxi arrived. He went out to say he was coming. He locked his portfolio in the apartment...he did get to the interview. He dramatically displayed his designs on the table. There was a gasp and then someone said, "Oh he comes from Canada. I suppose it is cold in Canada!" He had featured fur in his designs. The use of fur is politically incorrect in England...
He wrote to me once: I have fallen in love with Italy. I believe we are expected to be married spring? In Spring? In the hills of Tuscany? He was speaking metaphorically. Instead he set up his own studio in London and was cited in the Gazette this weekend. He has had his first show...his designs are beautiful. His web site is . It's neat to have been a teacher. One can live vicariously! This photo reminded me of his aesthetic.

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