Wednesday, January 6, 2010

She-itis: Collapsed after the effort of having two people for breakfast yesterday and did not rise until 9:30 this morning. She is at the moment gathering her wits having quickly put on her tights to pick up her newspaper and discovering as she sat doing the crossword that some creature was trapped in said tights and was trying to chew its way out - on her leg. She entertained her cat by screaming and hopping around as she attempted to catch the critter...her revenge came when she flushed it down the toilet. Normally she just puts critters in the hall way!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny cause something like that happened to me! Only the critter was crawling up the tights as I put them on. Shriek!!! I pulled off the tights and threw them in the yard. I remember my cat observing the operation with a mixture of bemusement, pity and that soupçon of contempt that cats - or at least my cat did - just sort of have (after their humans have performed all needful tasks to their satisfaction, of course. Don't want to offend she who operates the can-opener).
